Zuzana Fontaine Design
The Ideal Space Comes from the Right Combination of Aesthetics and Functionality
interior design

Let’s Get Started
Interior Design
I start all projects with a personal consultation to gain a thorough understanding of who you are and what you envision for your space. Whether you are searching for layout solutions, tips for remodeling, a budget-conscious room revamp or even a re-design of an entire space, I can help you bring your vision to life.
I now offer online services so that you can start working with me from the safety of your own home.
Interior Design Services
Interior Design
I offer flexible interior design services on an hourly basis, with a project minimum of five hours.
Some of my services include:
– identifying your individual style and preference
– interior styling
– space planning
– customised furniture layout
– visualisation and 3D planning
– colour palette suggestions
– selection of furniture, rugs, textiles, lighting, accessories and art work
– repurposing and upcycling existing pieces
If you are unsure about how to redesign a space and not quite ready to hire a full-time decorator, book a consultation with me. We can walk through your home and discuss how to enhance your living space.
My one-two hour consultations include:
– basic strategies for setting up an intentional environment
– support and guidance in discovering your own style
– practical tips on how to create an organised space
– suggestions for repurposing old pieces
– simple decluttering hacks
Sign Up For A Workshop!
Discover your style, cultivate your creative side and expand your knowledge in a fun and friendly learning environment.
As an environmentally-conscious designer with an eye for mixing the modern with the traditional, I love to transform an old piece of furniture into a statement piece.
Let’s work together to discover your signature style and design your dream space.

We absolutely loved working with Zuzana! After moving to a furnished apartment in Bangkok, we needed help to add a cozy touch to our new home. She carefully listened to our wishes, made a lot of great suggestions and was very affordable. I am amazed with her sense for color and attention to details. We couldn’t be happier in our home now.
Zuzana did fantastic job helping us to decorate our whole apartment. She understood right from the start what kind of look we are looking for, run around Bangkok searching for the perfect furniture and even went with us to Chatuchak to find the best treasure.
Zuzana is amazing! She has helped me out with organising our apartment, and had so many nice ideas and recommendadtions. She did it all within a consultation as I did not want too many changes!
Když pro nás paní Fontain udělala návrh obývacího pokoje a kuchyně, věděli jsme, že přesně tímto směrem chceme jít a takto si chceme zvelebit náš domov. Jsme velice spokojeni s výběrem barev, materiálů a doplňků, které našemu domovu vtisknuli duši. Jsme také nadšeni ze všech nápadů a myšlenek, které nám paní Fontain předala a předává a za to jí patří veliký dík.
I když jsme neměli možnost setkat se fyzicky, protože celá naše spolupráce probíhá od začátku on-line, víme, že i na dálku pro nás paní Fontain vytváří nádhernou práci plnou citu a pochopení. Nevidíme žádnou překážku v tom, zkonzultovat vše přes video, a naopak se nám líbí, že je tato spolupráce flexibilní a můžeme si na sebe s paní Fontain najít kdykoliv čas a nemusíme řešit, kde se kdo zrovna nachází.
Děkujeme Vám moc a těšíme se na další spolupráci.
En nous installant à Bangkok, nous rêvions d’un intérieur cosy empreint de tonalités asiatiques. Les précieux conseils et l’accompagnement de Zuzana FONTAINE ont donné vie à notre projet ! Nous sommes super ravis! Très à l’écoute, Zuzana a immédiatement su comprendre et transposer nos envies, les structurer pour nous proposer un projet qui nous ressemble. Quelques « tips » sur des transformations simples, délivrés au détour d’une première visite, nous ont immédiatement conquis.
Puis, ses propositions ont fait le reste…Nous avons été surpris et séduits !
On sent que Zuzana sait parfaitement jouer sur les volumes, les matériaux et les couleurs. Elle a su créer pour nous l’atmosphère douce, élégante et équilibrée que nous recherchions sans lésiner pour autant sur l’aspect pratique ! Aucun détail ne lui échappe, c’est bluffant et c’est sans doute ce qui fait d’elle une formidable professionnelle que nous recommandons les yeux fermés! Un grand merci Zuzana pour cette belle collaboration qui nous a permis d’avoir le « Home Sweet Home » dont nous rêvions…
Зузана просто спасла нас. Мы переехали из небольшой мебелированной квартиры в большую, пустую и со странной планировкой. Мы пригласили Зузану помочь придумать, как сделать красиво и по домашнему. На нашей первой встрече Зузана внимательно слушала, задавала вопросы, предлагала идеи и смотрела на нашу с мужем реакцию. А потом Зузана нарисовала план дизайна, сделала список необходимой мебели и декора. И самое главное, указала в каких магазинах можно это купить в нашем бюджете. Но и сверху того, поехала со мной по магазинам где, из мы выбрали те самые предметы мебели, которые мы хотели, но не знали, как и где это взять.
Получилось идеально, так, как мы и мечтали, но не знали, как это выразить. Темная длинная комната теперь великолепная уютная гостиная.
Самое для меня ценное после общение с Зузаной – появились ориентиры и идеи, как дальше проявлять своё творчество и с лёгкостью радостью делать квартиру домом. Зузана очень внимательная, деликатная, и очень талантливая!

Let’s Get Started
Transform Your Vision into Reality
About Me
I draw upon my educational background in interior design, civil engineering and building renovation to create elegant, comfortable and practical interiors. I have always been passionate about design and my interest continued to grow as I traveled across the world. Having lived in over seven countries in three different continents, I credit my unique sense of style to the range of designs, colours, materials and textiles I have experienced throughout my travels. I am committed to listening to your needs as I help you curate your ideal space. My ultimate goal is to transform your vision into a reality.

Contact Me
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